Sound Byte Sepulcher
Purpose: Preserve and relive humanity's sound-related feats
Total Building Square Footage: 9,500 sq ft
Location: 37.20193°N, 116.20986°W (Rainier Mesa, Nevada)
Year: 2021
Atelier Open Arms, Self-Employed
Image 1: Funicular lifts carry visitors from an underground chamber to an otherwise inaccessible archive
A mysterious archive northwest of Las Vegas. A facility housing the remnants of forgotten radio shows, symphonic performances, and other audio tidbits.
Left Image 2: Isometric view of the Sepulcher and the Surrounding Desert
Right Image 3: An Exploded Axonometric Revealing the Pneumatic Tubes that Deliver the Audio Recordings
Image 4: Site Plan
Image 5: Vault Door Entrance to the Archive Hub
Maxwell Zaleski © 2021–2024